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Ilu Hub - Natural & Organic Skincare Products & Makeup

Science Explained

This is the place to fill yourself with understanding about how your skin works, the science behind your skincare and what exactly you are putting on your skin.

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Why is the Skin Surface Barrier so Important

Skin is like a resilient barrier or shield that protects our bodies from external threats, maintains hydration and supports overall skin health.

For a long time, many people, including skin care experts, have thought that scrubbing and peeling away the top layer of their skin was key to keeping our skin glowing and health.

But guess what? It couldn’t be more wrong.

Formula: Brands’ Biggest Secret

Skincare product formulas with similar or identical ingredients do not necessarily perform to the same...

What Harm are Liquid Plastics Actually Causing?

For years, we've been told that liquid plastics are harmful and should be avoided in...

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